The idea of downsizing, simplifying and being able to go on small adventures appeals to us on so many levels. We are not 'greenies' and do not believe in the global warming hype. We love the environment simply because it is the world we live in. We try to follow our dreams and enjoy the little things in life when we can. We celebrate small accomplishments. .I think we are both gypsies at heart. :)
All of this sounds idyllic taken out of context: Our life is hectic to say the least. As a blended family of five with two dogs and a cockatiel added to the mix, we are renovating a home, working, parenting and making ends meet.
Now take the moment to add to the equation a cherished member of our family needing full-time support in every aspect of her life and you can begin the journey to understanding the extra layer of complexity this adds to maintaining a flourishing household and sane parents; without said parents hitting the whiskey.

How do we do it? To be honest we don't know, but if at night I know that all our children are sleeping in their beds peacefully, tummies full, knowing they are loved then we feel that our work is somehow accomplished for the moment. Which is how we usually measure our happiness: from moment to precious moment which we somehow discover in our days full of appointments, work obligations, equipment and clutter. A tiny house sitting in the backyard would be a haven. And if the day is beautiful, we can pack the kids in the car, hook up the tiny house, and go to the beach or somewhere equally inspiring and recharge together. It opens a whole new world of opportunities to us. At times, we may even be able to have a carer in to look after the family at home for a night while Vince and I have a wee escape somewhere. Viable options for families like ours are very precious.
Being carers has changed our lives in so many ways. There is heartache, but there is also love; infinite, endless supplies of love and patience. I can say with certainty that my eldest daughter has helped me become a better person; a different person.
However, having tried hard to help her grow and overcome her disabling environment can at times drain your reserves. When times are really hard it does not feel like you have a life of your own. You get sucked into a world of heart wrenching decisions that at times truly test your convictions of what is acceptable. :( If you are not careful, there starts the downwards spiral. You soon stop dreaming big because you feel that dreams are unobtainable. Why dream at all? It will only be another disappointment. Carers live in a world of pragmatic determination. To dream of a future takes courage.
Vincent and I have taken little steps at a time to reach the place where we can dream again; where we feel that we can accomplish this adventure together.
So here, in this little corner of the internet, I would like to share our Tiny House on a Trailer BIG dream with you: A moment at a time, little dream by little dream, a bit of work here and there. In our world there is no quick fix but there is room for little steps to turn into big achievements.
Remember to dream,
M -